
Bluetooth API

This page describes Bluetooth API that you can use to work with Atmotube directly via BLE connection (without Atmotube Application). e.g. you can write custom program for Windows, Raspberry Pi, etc.

There are 2 ways to get data from Atmotube device:

  1. Bluetooth broadcast
  2. GATT characteristics

You can check the following code samples:

  1. Atmotube Android library

To analyze Bluetooth packets and check GATT characteristics you can use Nordic “nRF Connect” app for Android and iOS.

Note: This page describes data format for the latest available firmware. Previous firmware versions may work in a different way.

Bluetooth broadcast

To view raw packet - press RAW button.

Raw Atmotube PRO packet example:


BLE advertising packet format

Len Type Description Value
2 0x01 Flags 0x06
15 0xFF Manufacturer Specific Data 0xFFFF00D9F4982B1900018BC74135

Atmotube PLUS/PRO
Size, bytes Example Desription
2 0xFFFF Company identifier
2 0x00D9 SGPC3 VOC, ppb
2 0xF498 device id
1 0x2B BME280 humidity, %
1 0x19 BME280 temperature, ℃
4 0x00018BC7 BME280 pressure, mbar * 100
1 0x41 Info byte
1 0x35 Battery level, %
9 0x09 Complete local name 0x41544D4F54554245
17 0x07 Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs Atmotube PLUS

Atmotube PRO
12 0xFF Manufacturer Specific Data (scan response) 0xFFFF00040005000674051B

Atmotube PLUS/PRO
Size, bytes Example Desription
2 0xFFFF Company identifier
2 0x0004 PM1 (PRO), ug/m³
PLUS - reserved
2 0x0005 PM2.5 (PRO), ug/m³
PLUS - reserved
2 0x0006 PM10 (PRO), ug/m³
PLUS - reserved
1 0x73 FW version major
1 0x03 FW version minor
1 0x02 FW version build

SGPC3 data format

Size, bytes Example Description
2 0x0294 VOC data 0294 (hex) -> 660 (int) ppb / 1000 = 0.66 ppm

BME280 data format

Size, bytes Example Description
1 0x1E humidity 1E (hex) -> 30 (int) %
1 0x1C temperature 1C (hex) -> 28 (int) ℃
4 0x000182E0 pressure 182E0 (hex) -> 99040 (int) / 100 = 990.40 mbar

SPS30 data format

Size, bytes Example Desription
2 0x0004 PM1 -> 0004 (hex) -> 4 (int) ug/m³
2 0x0005 PM2.5 -> 0005 (hex) -> 5 (int) ug/m³
2 0x0006 PM10 -> 0006 (hex) -> 6 (int) ug/m³

Info byte data format

Bits Description
7 SGPC3 pre-heating status

0 - SGPC3 is pre-heating
1 - device is ready
6 Reserved
5 Device charging timer status

0 - USB power was connected more than 30 minutes ago
1 - USB power was disconnected less than 30 minutes ago
4 Device charging status

0 - device is not charging
1 - device is charging
3 Device bonding status

0 - device is not bonded
1 - device is bonded
2 Device error status

0 - no error
1 - error code
PRO only - PM sensor status

0 - PM sensor is OFF
1 - PM sensor is ON

GATT characteristics

UUID Description
6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E UART service
6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E UART RX characteristic
6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E UART TX characteristic

Atmotube PLUS

UUID Description
DB450001-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB3 Atmotube PLUS service
DB450002-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB3 SGPC3 characteristic (4 bytes) - little-endian

SGPC3 ppb, TVOC - 2 bytes
SGPC3 (reserved) - 2 bytes
DB450003-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB3 BME280 characteristic (8 bytes) - little-endian

Humidity - 1 byte
Temperature - 1 byte
Pressure - 4 bytes
Temperature - 2 bytes (extended precision, 0x0A0A (hex) -> 2570 (int) / 100 -> 25.7 ℃)

For temperature, humidity, pressure conversion - see broadcast section.
DB450004-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB3 Status characteristic (2 bytes) - little-endian

Info - 1 byte
Battery level - 1 byte

For info and battery conversion - see broadcast section.

Atmotube PRO

UUID Description
DB450001-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB4 Atmotube PRO service
DB450002-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB4 SGPC3 characteristic (4 bytes) - little-endian

SGPC3 ppb, TVOC - 2 bytes
SGPC3 (reserved) - 2 bytes
DB450003-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB4 BME280 characteristic (8 bytes) - little-endian

Humidity - 1 byte
Temperature - 1 byte
Pressure - 4 bytes
Temperature - 2 bytes (extended precision, 0x0A0A (hex) -> 2570 (int) / 100 -> 25.7 ℃)

For temperature, humidity, pressure conversion - see broadcast section.
DB450004-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB4 Status characteristic (2 bytes) - little-endian

Info - 1 byte
Battery level - 1 byte

For info and battery conversion - see broadcast section.
DB450005-8E9A-4818-ADD7-6ED94A328AB4 PM characteristic (12 bytes) - little-endian

PM1 - 3 bytes
PM2.5 - 3 bytes
PM10 - 3 bytes
PM4 - 3 bytes

0x0003AD (hex) -> 941 (int) / 100 -> 9.41 ug/m³

Data history protocol

History data sending is implemented via UART service. You have to send commands via RX and handle device answers via TX UART characteristics.

1. After UART connection mobile device sends HST (history) request with current timestamp. UART service responds with HOK (history OK) acknowledge.

Command, ASCII, 3 bytes Unix time, 4 bytes - current system time


Command, ASCII, 3 bytes

2. If device has not synced history available it starts data sending with HT packed following one or several HD packets. HT packet contains timestamp of the starting HD packet and number of HD packets and size.Mobile device acknowledge HD packets receiving by sending HOK command with current timestamp.

Command, ASCII, 2 bytes 1 byte Unix time, 4 bytes - first HD packet time Number of HD packets, 1 byte Size of the one measurement in bytes, 1 byte


Command, ASCII, 2 bytes 1 byte Packet number, 1 byte Measurement 1 - Measurement N


Command, ASCII, 2 bytes 1 byte Packet number, 1 byte Measurement N+1 - Measurement N+1+x


N Size in bytes, 1 byte Description
0 1 Temperature, ℃
1 1 Humidity, %
2 2 - little-endian VOC (ppb)
3 4 - little-endian Pressure (mbar * 100)
4 2 - little-endian PM1, ug/m³
5 2 - little-endian PM2.5, ug/m³
6 2 - little-endian PM10, ug/m³

If mobile device received HT + all HD packets - it acknowledges data by sending HOK command.

Command, ASCII, 3 bytes Unix time, 4 bytes - current system time

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You may also use the ATMO Bot (usually on the right-hand side of the webpage on desktop, bottom-left for mobile) for a quick answer or leave your email address so that we may get in touch.