3 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Bedroom

To get better sleep, people should have a cool dark quiet environment.

The temperature should range from 17 to 22°C with 40-60% relative humidity levels. It’s best to keep the room completely dark with no blue lights. Most of us consider these factors as crucial ones in maintaining a comfortable microclimate for sleep, but we often neglect the importance of clean air.

Photo by Anastasia Dulgier

The bedroom often has the worst air quality compared to other parts of the house. People tend to shut the doors and windows to minimize noise or to have privacy. We stuff our bedrooms with carpet, pillows, stuffed toys, shelves, and wardrobes. They not only collect dust over time but also become a source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), a variety of chemicals that have a negative effect on our health when we inhale them. Electronic devices, such as computers and printers, can also emit VOCs.

Another air pollutant we face at home is particulate matter, tiny particles with the size of less than 10 microns, such as dust, mold, soot, and pollen. Cooking, natural gas stoves and ovens, and electronic cigarettes can emit high levels of particulate matter, which can recirculate around the house if there are no air purifiers or proper ventilation systems.

Below we provide some facts and tips on how to keep your air in the bedroom clean.

1. Take care of your bed

We never think about our bed as a proxy for the fungal spores, dust and skin cells that routinely collect there.

  • If you think your old mattress has accumulated too much dust, make sure your next one is safe. Mattress foam and fabrics often emit gaseous pollutants, including VOCs, plasticizers and flame retardants. GOLS, GOTS, and Oeko Tech Standard 100 certifications are good to check before purchasing.
  • Wash your pillows at least twice a year and replace them every 2 years.
  • You may want to wash your sheets and blankets weekly or at least biweekly in hot water.
Photo by Neha Deshmukh

2. Buy low-emission furniture

Furniture can contain toxic chemicals, such as benzene, ethylene glycol, or formaldehyde. Most industrial-strength adhesives, paints, varnishes, or lacquers emit those VOCs.

There are a few steps that will help you prevent chemical poisoning released from new furniture:

  • Check certifications before purchasing. One of the most popular ones is Greenguard Certification.
  • Unwrap new furniture outdoors to let it air out.
  • Avoid cheap particle board furniture as it may contain formaldehyde.
  • Choose unscented furniture: It should have fewer chemicals.

3. Keep track of air quality in your bedroom

Atmotube PRO

Air pollutants like PM2.5 and disrupted sleep are highly connected. PM2.5 are tiny particles that can penetrate deep into our respiratory tract, causing coughing, sneezing, and irritation in the short-term and severe health effects in the long term. Air pollution has also been linked to sleep apnea, which causes breathing to stop and repeatedly start during sleep.

Regular air quality monitoring in your bedroom is essential for your well-being and sleep quality.

Atmotube PRO portable air quality monitor measures PM1, PM2.5, PM10, TVOCs, temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. It alerts you when air quality is falling below moderate. You can check the air in different parts of your house to identify the source of pollution and immediately take action, such as opening the windows and turning on ventilation and air purifiers.

With Atmotube PRO's real-time feedback, you can adjust your environment for optimal air quality and better sleep.

4. Choose the right candles

Photo by Alex Holyoake

Of course, everyone wants their room to look cozy and smell good. However, keep in mind that regular paraffin scented candles are a huge source of indoor air pollution.

When burned, paraffin creates highly toxic substances, such as benzene and toluene. On top of that, many scented candles have wicks that contain heavy metals like lead.

Good news! Not all candles are that bad. There are some alternatives.

  • Soy and beeswax candles. Beeswax candles emit negative ions, which can bind with toxins and help remove them from the air.
  • Candles with wicks made from braided cotton or paper with a cellulose core.
  • Candles that contain plant-based, all-natural essential oils.
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