Continuous Air Quality Monitoring for Healthy Buildings

Improve your IEQ and IAQ performance to align with green building and healthy building certifications

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atmo® in der Presse
  • PM1, PM2.5, PM10
  • CO2
  • TVOCs
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Barometric pressure
  • CH2O (Formaldehyde)
  • Light levels
  • Noise levels

Options: O3, CO

  • USB-C, 50/60Hz, 5V @ 2A
  • Direktverbindung, 24V AC/DC
  • PoE
  • Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n @ 2.4GHz)
  • Bluetooth 4.1
  • Ethernet
  • USB-A
  • RS-485
Data Management
  • Web/Mobile dashboards
  • BAS/BMS integration

Why choose Atmocube for your project?

Multiple connectivity options

With PoE as one of them, property owners can lower their operating expenses for both new and existing buildings

No annual replacement

Easy recalibration services with necessary documentation

Various data visualization tools and reports

Web and mobile dashboards for facility managers for easy data management

No batteries

Make your operations more sustainable

Data security

Connect to BAS/BMS via Modbus, MQTT and BACnet Gateway without third-party cloud access


Easily integrate the data from Atmocube in your custom system

Get points for WELL Air
WELL Requirements
A01 Air Quality - Part 1, Part 2 Option 2, Part 5 partially, Part 3 (soon)
Contribution to the air quality evaluation and potential replacement for annual lab testing
A08 Air Quality Monitoring and Awareness - Part 1 & Part 2
Requirements met (2 points)
T06 Thermal Comfort Monitoring - Part 1
Requirements met (1 point)
T07 Humidity Control - Option 3
Opportunity to meet
Get points for LEED v5 Air Quality Performance
Atmocube Measured Parameter
Option 1. Continuous Indoor
Air Monitoring
Option 2. Targeted One-Time Air Testing
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
Not tested in this option
PM2.5 (Particulate Matter)
TVOC (ppm)*
Total possible points with Atmocube: 10 out of 10 maximum points for Option 1
Sensor specifications

Measurement interval: 1 min

Sensor model
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
Sensirion SCD 41
± 75 ppm @ 400 – 1000 ppm
± 40 ppm + 5% of m. v. @ 1000 ppm – 2000 ppm
PM2.5 (Particulate Matter)
Sensirion SPS 30
± 5 μg/m3 @ 0 – 75 μg/m3 verified by MCERTS
± 25 μg/m3 @ 0 to 100 μg/m3
TVOC (ppm)*
Sensirion SGP41
15% of the measured value
CH2O (Formaldehyde)
Sensirion SFA30
± 0.02 ppm or ± 20% of m. v., whichever is larger
Sensirion STS35-DIS
± 0.1 °C
Relative Humidity
Sensirion SHTC3
± 2 % RH
Atmosphärischer Druck
Infinion DPS310
± 1 hPa
AMS TCS34725
± 10%
Background Noise Level
Knowles SPH0641LM4H-1
± 2 db

CO, O₃ – coming soon

*Using Sensirion conversion algorithm

"Meine Einrichtung nutzt Atmocubes seit einem Jahr und wir haben dank ihnen große Fortschritte bei der Luftqualität in unserem Labor gemacht. Zunächst half uns das Software-Protokollierungssystem dabei, die Quelle unserer Luftqualitätsprobleme leicht zu identifizieren, wenn es beim Einschalten einer Maschine einen deutlichen Anstieg der Feinstaubwerte gab. Das Atmocube-System hat uns auch bei der Erprobung verschiedener Gegenmaßnahmen zur Eindämmung und Verbesserung der Quelle geholfen. Ohne sie hätten wir nicht gewusst, welche Abhilfemaßnahmen funktionieren und welche nicht. Ich kann Atmocubes nur empfehlen!"

Greg Stratton, Einrichtungsleiter bei NTS

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